Get ready for reliable results in the palm of your hand.

Take the guesswork out of surface treatment validation


Getting rid of any user intervention and result interpretation whatsoever, our Ayríís uses groundbreaking technology for perfectly reliable QC checks. As a mobile, stand-alone instrument with easy-to-exchange rechargeable batteries and prefilled cartridges, Ayríís is prepared to operate 24/7 on your production site.

Contact our team today to learn how KRÜSS can help you.

At KRÜSS, we strive to do more than simply provide interfacial testing equipment and services. We want to walk alongside you and your company as a strategic partner to help you take the leap towards more robust interfacial testing across the entire lithium-ion battery (LiB) development and production cycle.

Contact the KRÜSS team today to learn how interfacial testing can improve LiB innovation for electric vehicles across the entire production cycle.

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